
grantm on 2004-02-24T20:04:48

Wow! I got this amazing offer in the email. I'm not quite sure if I'm interpreting this picture correctly, but it looks like for $21.95 per year this organisation will intercept spam messages addressed to me and automatically click the unsubscribe link. What a service!

Update: oops, forgot to link to the picture


georgesoilis on 2004-05-21T09:17:41

DO NOT, REPEAT DDO NOT USE THIS SITE,OR SEND MONEY OR ANYTHING ELSE. the guy is a russian spammer,he will take your money and your email will still be sold to every spam list as he is a spammer himself.thats what he claims isnt he?how did he get your email in the first place? Trust me on that ,dont even think of visiting his site without a proper firewall ,you are going to be loaded with some interesting cookies..... try it ,but cautioyusly and only if you know what you are doing......