New job = Yay!

grantm on 2003-06-30T10:20:12

Today I started a new job. I used to work for a great little company that got acquired by a big accounting^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H management consulting firm. If you've ever been on the receiving end of management-by-numbers then you'll know how that felt. Anyhow, now I have a new job and things are different. First of all I don't have to run Windows on the desktop. I can run whatever I want (which could include Windows) but they gave me Debian for a start. Looks like I'll be learning about Debian.

Second of all, after five years of having to use Outlook as an email client, I finally have a choice - Oh happy days!

My first assignment involves working out how to do replication with PostgreSQL so that promises to be interesting too.

I'll say one thing for the accountants though. The company credit card came out at the leaving drinks and a fine time was had - they said goodbye in style.