New SPAM wave?

godoy on 2002-08-10T05:20:11

Is there anybody out there receiving lots of new spams?

I'm getting dozend daily. And SpamAssassin is missing several of them. I'm always dennouncing them to Vipul's Razor, but it takes some time to be effective.

Damn spammers... Die! Die! Die! (Read it as if you were with red flamming eyes, and had a club in your hand... --- Alternatively, you can read it with Beavis & Butthead effects)

Faster updates

Matts on 2002-08-10T17:28:44

We need to get SpamAssassin doing updates faster - we're missing the boat on lots of spams. I've heard a lot of people saying the same thing.

Ah well, we're working on it.

Re:Faster updates

godoy on 2002-08-11T21:34:33

And how can *I* help you with that?

If those lots of people can help too, we'd be going faster than with you people alone...