Quake 3.

godoy on 2002-01-10T03:00:14

Having finally configured my VooDoo, I'm very happy playing Quake 3 here.

It is forbidden in .br since a guy killed some people with a machine gun at the theater, back in the 90's (I don't remember exactly when, but I think in 99...). You can't find it in stores anymore, but I had an old copy here, and I installed it.

It definitely rox.

I just wished I lived in the US to exchange my VooDoo for something newer. What a pity 3dFX went out of business. What a pity they aren't exchanging Voodoos outside the US. :-\

This is the second time I have problems with hardware. The first one was when my Visor broke and Handspring didn't accept international orders. It's still broken, since "S&H tax + new LCD = new Visor". :-\\

What use can I give to an international credit card, then?

Waaaaaiit a second...

chaoticset on 2002-01-10T05:53:49

...spam is *legal*, but Doom is NOT?

Someone's got their priorities messed up here.

I've told you...

godoy on 2002-01-10T10:57:23

That judge should have asked some consultancy when she was judging the spam case.

And Doom (and Quake) should be forbidden only to people under 'x' years (do not confuse this X with the one from X-Rated ;-)). People who can buy beer could buy Quake. Why not? I'd say 'x = 18;' is a good value.

Re:I've told you...

chaoticset on 2002-01-11T06:04:40

Then there should be a similar age limit on spam.

Legal System: "You cannot mail any spam out unless you're certain the recipient is over 18!"

Spammers: "But that'll be nearly IMPOSSIBLE! Spam won't be cost effective!"

Legal System: *faint, slow smile*