Having finally configured my VooDoo, I'm very happy playing Quake 3 here.
It is forbidden in .br since a guy killed some people with a machine gun at the theater, back in the 90's (I don't remember exactly when, but I think in 99...). You can't find it in stores anymore, but I had an old copy here, and I installed it.
It definitely rox.
I just wished I lived in the US to exchange my VooDoo for something newer. What a pity 3dFX went out of business. What a pity they aren't exchanging Voodoos outside the US. :-\
This is the second time I have problems with hardware. The first one was when my Visor broke and Handspring didn't accept international orders. It's still broken, since "S&H tax + new LCD = new Visor". :-\\
What use can I give to an international credit card, then?
Someone's got their priorities messed up here.
Re:I've told you...
chaoticset on 2002-01-11T06:04:40
Then there should be a similar age limit on spam.Legal System: "You cannot mail any spam out unless you're certain the recipient is over 18!"
Spammers: "But that'll be nearly IMPOSSIBLE! Spam won't be cost effective!"
Legal System: *faint, slow smile*