I agree with ask that Safari (Apple's new web browser, based on a KDE rendering engine) is unusable without tabs. Mozilla's going to remain my browser of choice for a while, I think. And the only speed increase I've noticed is in scrolling. Mozilla scrolls fast enough for me--it's time-to-display-page that counts most for me.
jhi on 2003-01-12T03:32:00
This may come as a horrible shock to some people, but O'Reilly & Assoc really isn't the whole world.
belg4mit on 2003-01-12T05:19:42
Never said it was.
But it's generally a bad idea to use the same or similar names for different things in related
fields. Unless of course, that's the point ie; one is producing an "inferior" product and
names it something similar to the original eg; Prof. Pepper vs. Dr. Pepper... etc.
darobin on 2003-01-12T17:26:04
I agree, but I still think that they could have come up with a better name (though that's no reason not to use it of course). ORA's Safari makes sense because it's a site on which you get to see a lot of animals at once. I would have expected better from the Coolness Gurus at Apple