lwall *not* an Activestate employee

gnat on 2001-04-23T15:29:56

In retrospect, perhaps it wasn't so wise to use Activestate's press release as part of the Parrot practical joke. Somehow the "fact" that Larry's gone to work for Activestate has entered popular consciousness.

I can definitely say that it isn't true. Larry is still a fulltime O'Reilly employee working on perl6. His only involvement with Activestate is to be a part of the technical advisory board. I don't quite know what that means, but if it's like every other technical advisory board in the world, it's a collection of really big names intended to draw investors. The big names offer opinions and advice on what's hot and what's not, in varying amounts, but that's all.

So put away the conspiracy theories, stop rewinding the Technet cast from the last TPC like it was the Zapruder film, and relax.

