How weird. I posted those on Wednesday and I haven't heard anything except "how do I get my Linux quicktime player to work?". Does anyone watch these movies? Should I bother doing any more?
(You've probably also heard this: that you should always start with a joke. Also bullshit. --mjd)
I swear by Codeweavers Crossover Plugin. It's a Wine based system for running windows plugins on linux. And it's cheap.
Dom2 on 2002-10-07T07:03:43
It kills most people to wear a tie. What's with the obsession with the 18th century couture?-Dom
jmcnamara on 2002-10-07T08:10:20
The criticisms were just a tongue-in-cheek rehash of the things that dominus says that people complain about in presentation evaluations.
And yes ties can kill. Especially when worn near rotating machinery.
Scarves as well. Ask poor Isadora Duncan
Yes, please, continue to post 'em.
I have thoroughly enjoyed watching the movies, especially as I was clicking through the slides from the web too. It would be nice to see this happening alot more, and hopefully it will. Seeing as MIT are putting all their materials online, perhaps The Perl Foundation can follow their lead and get speakers to allow them to have all the conference slides and a video on the web.
There have been several talks at YAPC::Europe shows, which I wish I could have a video of. Particularly for those talks I missed.
It would certainly be a big advertisement for Perl, if put about in the right places.
I liked hearing Dominus as well. Though most of the material is in the extended notes attached to the presentation, it's still fun to hear him.
And I emphasize "hear", because I really couldn't see very much. Mostly just a shadow that would occasionally gesture in front of the screen. Would it be any easier to have audio only, say Ogg or MP3? I have no experience with this, so I don't know if it would be more or less effort.
But yes, I did appreciate it, and would like to see more. Please keep up the good work.
Re:Maybe audio only?
gnat on 2002-10-07T15:10:53
Actually, I have been saving them as mp3. If you look in, you'll find mp3s of Dominus' talks. The movie pages have links to the mp3s, and vice-versa.--Nat
Re:Maybe audio only?
vsergu on 2002-10-07T19:43:27
I agree that the video doesn't add that much, but it's better than nothing. MJD hasn't got the Mailing List Judo slides up on his site (yet?).
Thanks, Nat!Re:Maybe audio only?
Dominus on 2002-10-16T01:29:32
Not now, not ever. The Mailing List talk is evil, and should be suppressed. I had mixed feelings about having the audio be available, and decided to leave it where it was mostly because it was too late by then anyway.MJD hasn't got the Mailing List Judo slides up on his site (yet?).