YAPC Week: Thursday (morning)

gnat on 2002-06-27T18:35:38

MOVIE! Finished the script, started shooting. It's amazingly hard to make a movie fail to suck, which is why the movie will suck. My able crew are not SAG-certified, so there were tricky union issues to negotiate.

Began shooting around 10am, finished around 1. Dan and Schwern were standouts in how well they sold it. Schwern improved a lot, and I made the mistake of filming his scene in a stairwell. *Two* floors got to hear him bellow "FUCK THE FARMERS! FUCK THEM UP THE ASS!". After I yelled "cut", two students walked across the upper floor and cast us a disapproving glance. I said "I'm sorry!" and one said "That's okay" with a very fake smile that became a glower as she turned back to her friend. I wish I'd had the camera on that!

I'm borrowing Meng's iBook (Jarkko needed his. Something to do with Perl 5.8, the wastrel) and editing the movie this afternoon. If I can do it, it'll rock. If I can't, I'll be a miserable failure of a human being.

I was scheduled to give a talk today, "Something Something" but Robert Spier kindly filled in for me with a 45m version of his 3 hour Optimization tutorial. He did swear in a Kiwi accent, though, to maintain the illusion that he was me.

I'm rather disturbed by the way that everyone seems to think that I can be perfectly characterized by swearing in a Kiwi accent. This movie, unfortunately, will not change their impression.

More after the movie--this evening is a "Whose Code is it Anyway?" rehearsal, then off to Brent's for a bbq. I have nothing to do on Friday, praise Allah, so I can fuck around like a regular attendee again. And record video and audio.



gizmo_mathboy on 2002-06-27T18:54:04

when/where will the movie be showing? Or is this a YAPC secret?


gnat on 2002-06-28T22:10:38

The movies are online.
