Lenzo introduced the conference, telling us to turn off our cellphones and not litter. There might have been something about washing behind our ears too, I'm not sure. He threw out props to publisher sponsors, O'Reilly, SAMS, and Manning, and we all cheered and whistled our thanks to Sarah who put the conference together.
Now we're in Larry's keynote. Every slide is from the Lord of the Rings. The A/V just failed--he wanted to dim the lights and in the process of diddling with the high-tech A/V console the projector stopped working. So we're in dim light, IRCing and heckling Larry. The talk won't work without the pictures, so we're in a holding pattern.
Fortunately I'm recording all this awkward silence for posterity on my video camera :-) Or, rather, one of the kind people upstairs is recording it. Hachi on IRC, I salute you!