guysread is an initiative to get more boys reading. Although it's tempting to dismiss it as some kind of Male Rights crap, it makes sense from the statistics. And as our Glorious President shows, male literacy is a tragedy affecting all of us :-)
Jenine's in one of those big-brother programs, mentoring a 14 year old boy. He reads like a 7 year old. It's very scary, and very real.
I have been ranting for years to the effect that the "'English' equals literature equals novels" tilt in the public schools is the worst thing to happen to reading ever. No wonder that when people hear "read a book", they think not of Nickel and Dimed: On (Not) Getting by in America but instead of Oprah-approved Return To Cherishedville pap.
I also reserve a special place in hell for US print journalism, which is the best argument around for having the language centers of one's brain permanently cauterized, so that one will never have to deal with another "Won't Someone Think of the Children?" cover of Time.