Evil Martha

gnat on 2002-06-03T14:01:16

Hard-hitting bio comes as Martha's stock is sinking and she's divesting. Can't say I agree that having a hysterectomy is "cold", though.


If you don't agree...

hfb on 2002-06-03T14:22:00

then why do you give me shit for not wanting kids? :) A hysterectomy is a drastic and, before 35+ years of age, dangerous operation for a woman not to mention that there are safer and easier ways not to have children. Is a man considered cold if he gets a vasectomy which is an outpatient and reversible treatment with little or no side effects? The author probably just wants to paint her as evil as he can and simply avoided mentioning the realities of a hysterectomy to make his job easier.

Re:If you don't agree...

gnat on 2002-06-03T23:34:13

There are a lot of reasons to have a hysterectomy, and the idea that it's a simple easy way to prevent yourself from having kids reflects an appalling degree of ignorance in the author of the original article! That's why I disagreed with the use of the word "cold".

And I give you as much shit for not having kids as you give me and others for having them. I don't care whether you want kids, no kids, or an embryo in a jar.

I agree the author wanted to paint her as evil. I think there are many ways you can paint Martha as evil, but what she chooses or was forced to do to her uterus is her own damn business. It's not much better than saying someone is cold for having an abortion. Muy uncool.


Re:If you don't agree...

hfb on 2002-06-04T05:21:39

He's using a popular gender stereotype to paint her like Cruella DeVille. Why use other ways when such basic and old ones still work so well even if the author is concealing the truth about why she got a hysterectomy? She's a tough and smart businesswoman yet she's got multiple vapid books about her. This is capitalism, not leave it to beaver.