Blogs kept with Radio are filled with "hmm, it's not working" and "sorry for the strange entries!" and "I get this error message".
Blogs kept with Movable Type have none of that. Funny, huh?
ask on 2002-04-16T09:49:43
MT supports mod_perl since v2.0. It works great.
For the license; well, I for one don't see the real problem. They are doing a really good job and they are really nice about everything. As far as I am concerned it's no worse than some random GPL'ed software.
- askRe:PPerl
Matts on 2002-04-16T10:51:22
Yeah I know MT supports mod_perl. But some people don't have mod_perl. It's a lot harder to install than just about any other solution, as well you know;-)
As far as the license goes, I try not to complain about licenses too much. It's their software to do what they want with it. But I'm also very aware that I've produced some very useful free software (AxPoint, based on basically a non-free software license (, and that sort of thing gives me cause for pause, and to wish there were a totally free alternative that were just as good. But there isn't, so people have to stump up the cash, and I have no problem with people making money off what they've built. I sometimes even get quite jealous about it;-)
I even felt guilty for having so much fun with it that I sent them some money to assuage my sponge-like feeling