On Perl

gnat on 2006-07-10T18:57:12

When I said I'm not forgetting Perl I meant it. Allison and I have been adding Perl content to OSCON, so if you haven't checked out the schedule lately then you should give it a gander.

We've got Pudge on porting Mac::Carbon to Intel, building Search applications, Live Perl Testing, and the amazing Audrey Tang on the mindbending stuff she's been hacking on. And if you missed Miyagawa's plagger talk at YAPC, check it out at OSCON. It was hilarious in that "this is so evil it's good" way. There's more Perl in other tracks (e.g., Ingy).

Me, I can't wait for the lightning talks. I'm so eager I'm already in Portland--well, actually, I'm here because I've nowhere else to be until OSCON (fly over the Pacific for two weeks? No thanks!) and so I'm getting to enjoy the city instead of flying in, conferencing like a mad bastard all week, then flying out. In Portland? Want to have lunch? Ping me at gnat \N{A WITH CIRCLE AROUND IT COMMONLY KNOWN AS AT} oreilly.com.