This week

gnat on 2002-01-21T05:47:03

The week was crazy, baby, crazy! I worked like a madman to get ahead in editing so that I didn't have to work on my birthday (Friday). That entailed many late nights, but I did it.

I also worked with Casey on the dyndns donation, although he definitely did the lion's share of organization there. Major kudos to Casey and to Tim of dyndns for making that wonderful donation.

As I said in a comment to the article, that donation helped us reach the point where we have enough money to start handing it out. Look for announcements this week--it'll be bigger than we thought. We're very very happy.

What else? OSCon planning. I'm so drowned in work that I'm priming Rael (another ORA tech guy who helps with conferences) to do the work of setting up conference committees, issuing track-specific CFPs, and so on. I'll have CPU again in early February.

Biocon next week. Woo! I'm so excited. I get to see Damian Conway, Paul Grassie, Lincoln Stein, Ewan Birney, James Tisdall, Lorrie LeJeune, and a ton of biology people I've never met. Not to mention the ORA conference folks. I hate most of the busy work of preparing for conferences, but I love actually attending them. This one I hope to get to a lot more sessions than I do at OSCON, and I'm really looking forward to talking to the attendees. There's so much I have to learn.

This week: more PHP (want to get ahead so I don't have to edit much during the conference) and I have to write my conference tutorial and the quiz show questions. I'm such a bad example to the OSCON speakers :-) Do as I do, not as I say!

William is fantastic. Today he learned to hold the string of a balloon and punch it so that the string jerks the balloon back to be punched again. You'd think he'd found a closet filled with candy, he was so happy.
