Changes to TPC5 Schedule

gnat on 2001-05-26T19:09:37

Nothing goes smoothly when you have this many speakers, talks, and tutorials :-(

Graham Barr has kindly stepped up to take the place of Lincoln Stein in the networking tutorial. Lincoln realized that TPC was on at the same time as the International Society of Molecular Biologists conference. What with that being his day job and all, we lost :-( Next year we're going to try to avoid conflicting with ISMB, as there's a heap of interesting bioperl work going on there.

Daniel Chetlin found himself unable to give his talk on "Default Lexical Scoping in Perl and Other Languages". I'm going to hold the talk space open for a while to find something wonderful to take its place. If you have suggestions for talks you'd like to see, send me mail at

Johan Vromans was unable to give his "Postscript and Perl" talk. This bums me out, because I was looking forward to it. I really see a gap in the Perl world with PDF and Postscript. I know there are slowly becoming more PDF modules, but I'd love to see something that makes it easy to produce PDF reports with charts and so on, all in Perl.

Tim Bunce is giving his "Advanced DBI" tutorial again. We'd agreed earlier this year that he'd do it, and then I spaced and left him out of the schedule. Did I mention that I have a small brain? He's definitely in. In in in. So far in that if TPC was Monica Lewinsky, Mrs Bunce would be filing for divorce. Sign up now! (impeachment optional)
