Wanted: GNOME Hacker

gnat on 2004-03-26T01:19:14

We've the lion's share of a Linux Desktop Hacks book done with KDE up the wazoo, but we're coming up severely short on the Gnome side. Surely there are Gnome hackers hacking the heck out of Gnome. And some of it even cool :-). We're looking for interesting things that live on, meander about, or otherwise delight on the Linux Desktop. The sorts of things that would thrill the power user and old hand alike.

If you're interested in pouring your favourite Gnome hacks into the pot, please drop a line to < rael AT oreilly DOT com >. Thanks!


who cares about gnome? :)

hfb on 2004-03-26T08:34:30

What about this bastard of a book, CSS 2e ? Originally supposed to be out in January, moved back to March and ....well, it's almost April and it has been holding up an order of books for months. Is it going to get published?