Filemaker, Food, and Fun

gnat on 2004-03-04T22:36:47

Three disconnected thoughts for the day ...

As I'd been told before and never believed, everybody who starts with Filemaker ends up regretting it. My last employer used Filemaker, and I thought it was an aberration. Apparently not--every Mac guy from the old days thinks "Filemaker" when they think "Database". This is like thinking "ENIAC" when someone says "Computer". Thanks for the pointers to migration tools. Hopefully they'll be less dependent when I leave than when I arrived ...

My work here is being fuelled by three things: "V", "Cookie Time" chocolate chip cookies, and steak-and-cheese pies. "V" is the local equivalent of "Red Bull" and a lot cheaper than R.B. in the stores here. I've been going through two or three cans of the sugar-free "V" a day. It says "Sugarfree V contains caffeine at levels found in an average cup of coffee, so is not suitable for children, pregnant or lactating women, or persons sensitive to caffeine. Usage: 2 cans max. daily". Yeah right, I'm over the RDA and still contemplating switching to espresso even though I hate the taste.

Cookie-Time cookies have been my poison of choice since I was in Uni in the early 90s. I go through two a day here, when I'm not eating pies. Oh, the pies. You can either get scabby mince ones in plastic bags where you can taste the tongues and toenails, or you get a great paper bag pie from the local bakery with real chunks of meat of probably-reputable origins and gorge yourself with crumbs and gravy coating your shirt until the seagulls whirl around you in a frenzy of expectation.

It's better than it sounds.

And finally, I'm off to the rugby tonight. I bought tickets to watch the Blues cream the Chiefs. Me, Jenine, and the 4 year old William are going. It's a-gonna rock.



vsergu on 2004-03-04T22:47:41

Aagh! I remember encountering FileMaker at my previous job. I think we finally got the client to convert things to Access so they were usable. Otherwise we would have given up on the job entirely.


hfb on 2004-03-04T23:11:22

working on a Peter Jackson look before OSCON? :)


gnat on 2004-03-05T00:08:57

working on a Peter Jackson look before OSCON? :)

I pointed Damian to the movie shot by the kids on the bus. I mentioned that there was close-up (clothed) boob shots that the kids had taken of other kids, which I hadn't yet put into any movies for fear of restraining orders. His comment was priceless: "Here I thought you were the Peter Jackson of the Perl world;and it turns out you're the Michael Jackson instead???".

Tell you what, you don't talk about my waistline and I won't talk about your ovaries. Fair deal? :)


Am I dating myself?

jbodoni on 2004-03-04T23:17:14

I used Filemaker before it was called Filemaker... but damned if I can remember what the name was then.

For reference this was at about the same time that Apple came out with the 20MBHD that plugged into the brand new Mac Plus' external floppy drive connector. Anyway...

Dunno why everybody else seems to hate it so much - I'm able to make good pocket money from a handful of clients still using FM, and I'm still able to whip something together with it faster than several guys I know that swear by Access.

Not throwing down a gauntlet or anything, just providing another data point. This'd be a boring existence if we were all alike. :)
