What Nat's Playing With

gnat on 2004-03-02T09:18:22

CSS, Filemaker from PHP, Javascript DOM and on* events, and other miscellaneous web development torture.

Of those, the thing that's giving me the most grief is definitely Filemaker. Access has better UI design, and the benefit of Real SQL Underneath. One of the long-term goals for the school is migrating away from Filemaker. I'm hoping it'll become a medium or even short-term goal. What a noxious piece of ass that software is. It's so ugly only its programmers could love it.

Ran into my first Javascript incompatibility within 15 minutes of writing my first line of Javascript. Apple released an update to Safari the next day that fixed it. Rock ON Mr Jobs.

I rocked up to the office today and Pam said "thanks".

I frowned. "What?"

"Thanks," she said. "I figured you were the only one who didn't get thanked last night, so ... thanks."

Everyone's a comedian.

(now playing: Touch Me (I Want Your Body) by Samantha Fox)


davorg on 2004-03-02T14:08:40

Access has better UI design, and the benefit of Real SQL Underneath
For some values of "Real" :)


trachtenberga on 2004-03-02T16:00:35

I've been playing with SQLite and it's great. I like to think of it as an embedded SQL database for people who don't want to run a separate database.

Replacing Filemaker

drhyde on 2004-03-02T16:06:06

If they're running Filemaker, I assume they're a Mac shop? A long time ago in a publishing house far far away I vaguely recall a product called Butler SQL that ran on Macs and provided a reasonably pain-free upgrade from Filebreaker.

Migrating from FileMaker

ziggy on 2004-03-02T20:01:24

Jim Willis had similar headaches when he was doing a contract for the State of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations.

When he arrived, state officials were relying on a bizarre conglomeration of FileMaker and Access database scattered all over the place. (With that kind of IT architecture, it's amazing that anything ever got done.) So, among his first projects when he started working for the RI's Secretary of State was to consolidate (and harmonize) all of these databases using MySQL and the rest of the LAMP stack.

Realistically, the benefit was in consolidating everything on a single SQL-based database server. That they didn't have to pay licensing or lock themselves into a single platform didn't suck.

The result? The Secretary's office can focus on doing real work. Quickly. And effectively. Without paying through the nose.