Happy New Year

gnat on 2004-01-05T17:17:38

And so it begins ...

So this is how the New Year begins: archiving files to CD to make room on my external drive for my tarball of 2003 mail and work files. Not with a bang, but with the slow whine of my CD burner.

Once I get the archiving sorted out, the next job will be to sort through the exactly 200 non-spam messages in my INBOX and reply to them all. Two weeks of vacation really makes the email pile up ....

On Resolutions ...

"Any resolutions for the New Year?" asked Piers a few days ago. My facetious answer was that the only resolution I had as the New Year came in was to find another glass of port, the implementation of which resolution was made problematic by the previous glasses of port I'd consumed.

I tend to regard New Years Resolutions as a particular category of the Good Intentions that the Road to Hell was paved with. I have plenty of those ("stay on top of my email", "lose weight", "spend more time with my kids") but they tend to be more "things I wish would happen" rather than "things I will make happen". This year, though, I find myself with one major resolution to implement: to get out of the way more often.

I don't think I'm an obstacle to many people, but I can think of a couple of places where the job needs a different person. For example, running The Perl Foundation was such a job last year--I simply didn't have the time to do what needed to be done, so I found Allison and stepped aside. I can see one or two other places where that needs to happen.


Expedia 0wnz0rz my A55. I just booked tickets to Sebastopol for a little two day hackathon with some fun employees, and then tickets for a trip through New York City (for LinuxWorld Expo) and Boston (for to be chillin'). Total cost: more than the cost of a new desktop PC. Bah.
