OSCON time

gnat on 2003-12-09T00:24:10

I'm once again trying to figure out how to put too much stuff into too little space. The problem is that open source is so broad that we could fill the COMDEX venue with talks, but not with attendees. So now I'm trying to juggle tracks and slots and figure out how to push more stuff in with the minimum of valuable stuff dropping off the end.

Something I want to do more of this year is invited talks. I want to seek out the very best projects and try hard to get them to attend. There are a lot of projects I never knew existed, like Pango and Cairo. Even at the Perl level there are things like BitTorrent modules and GraphViz::DBI which I never knew existed until recently.

So assume I know only about the things that have been at previous OSCONs. What Perl and non-Perl projects should be on my radar?


Game Programming in Dynamic Languages

chromatic on 2003-12-09T00:53:57

Python, Ruby, and Perl take up more and more attention in game development. Frozen Bubble supposedly took only three months to program. I'd be surprised if game programming talks didn't fill up right away.

Re:Game Programming in Dynamic Languages

gnat on 2003-12-09T16:35:31

There's game programming in Perl?
