Jeremy Zawodny's LinkBlog

gnat on 2003-11-23T16:21:37

Jeremy Zawodny's linkblog is my latest find. He's separating the rant/opinion/idea/musing portion of his journal from the "here's a cool site I just found" portion. That's clever, giving people the option of pointers without opinion or vice-versa. And he finds some interesting sites.


Feed boha

larsen on 2003-11-24T08:03:59

I like to share links and I like the concept of "pre-digested" links (as in digest, and as in digestion :)). Actually, in the italian mongers irc channel we're using a similar tool thanks to a bot called boha: he can accept URLs, that he puts in a db through a SOAP interface. The same interface can be used by a Perl script or by bohatools' Mozilla sidebar (very useful, since the bot is not always available). More info (and >500 links) here:

Glad you like it...

jzawodn on 2003-12-12T00:58:38

Now when will we see orange XML buttons on use Perl journals? :-)