So Jenine picked up that ball and really ran with it. We've had enough donations to mail several more boxes, and I got a letter yesterday from Brian saying "thanks!". Woo!
He's interested in a lot more serious literature than I thought he was (he's been reading a lot of American history, apparently) but the thrillers and so on that we've been sending have been eagerly gobbled up by his mates. He even included a counterfeit Iraqi banknote! We were all way too excited about that :-)
We just got a call from the secondhand book store that they now have a dolly of books for us, so I think Brian can expect a few more boxes in the near future ... And with any kind of luck, Theresa Nielsen-Hayden sent the box of scifi she was talking about. Speaking of her, check out these great signs.
And judging from this, we'll be sending books for a few more months.
Re:Where to send?
pudge on 2003-09-16T22:51:43
When the war started, the military requested people do not send things to "general" people, only specific people. I don't know if that's changed.