Crazy Idea

gnat on 2003-07-02T08:02:14

A Mason wiki where you can edit the source to components live. I guess you'd need authentication because Perl code in Mason components could trash the hosting system. And then you're basically up to Bricolage :-)

I just had a fantasy of a user-evolvable website that didn't look like WikiWikiAss[tm].



merlyn on 2003-07-02T13:45:28

OpenInteract is mostly that: a Template Toolkit web application system where the templates can be edited from within the system.

You'd just need to null-out any of the "dangerous" plugins. The TT language should be safely self-contained.


chromatic on 2003-07-02T15:31:33

Aside from not being Mason or TT, that's what Everything does. (You know, the code that runs Perl Monks.)


Theory on 2003-07-02T15:53:45

It exists. It has been around since '98 or '99, and is called Mason-CM. It even uses RCS for managing versions of your components.


Live coding

ziggy on 2003-07-02T19:11:13

A Mason wiki where you can edit the source to components live.
Isn't that the whole point behind Zope?

Re:Live coding

chromatic on 2003-07-03T06:23:05

That's so Twentieth Century Python. All the cool kids are using Twisted now!