The HTML::TableContentParser module (available from your local CPAN outlet) is awesome. I wanted to get a text file containing the data in the O'Reilly editorial calendar. Currently you can only access it through the web, and what you get back is either an HTML table or an Excel spreadsheet (hork!).
About an hour of hacking later, I had a program that emitted valid XML. The hard parts were, as always:
I've found that a lot of my screenscraping programs have the same structure. I quickly write the code that fetches the first page and saves it to a file. I look at it to visually confirm that I'm downloading the right page. Then I use Getopt::Std to implement an option that lets me say "don't download the first page, just load it from the local file". This speeds up debugging while I'm figuring out how to parse the HTML. When I was scraping the ORA proposals database last year, I had two or three steps that I could skip if I'd already debugged that part of the code.
Re:any chance...
gnat on 2003-04-26T01:09:16
Sure! I suppose I should have done more hackery to automatically determine the credentials() arguments from the URL, but I couldn't be buggered:-) --Nat#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use LWP;
use HTML::TableContentParser;
use Getopt::Std;
use strict;
# username and password for ORA intranet
# where to store files. change this!
my $DIR = ($^O eq "darwin") ? '/Users/gnat/Ora/Paperwork/edcal'
: '/home/gnat/ora';
# mapping from HTML table heading to XML tag. update this when the
# report format changes
my $Heading_to_Tag = {
"Title" => "title",
"Product" => "product",
"Program" => "program",
"Editor" => "editor",
"To Tech Review" => "totechreview",
"To production" => "toproduction",
"Contract Final" => "contractfinal",
"Est. Page Count" => "estpagecount",
"[Estimated Release Date]" => "estreleasedate",
"Estimated List Price" => "estlistprice",
"Projected Monthly Units" => "projmonthlyunits",
"Sell In" => "sellin",
"Projected" => "projected",
"Editorial Status" => "edstatus",
"Comments" => "comments"
# option handling:
# -f means "fetch HTML again"
# -t is the temporary filename
# -o is the output filename
# -c cleans up the temporary file
my %opts;
getopts("ftco:", \%opts);
# defaults for filenames
my $temp_filename = $opts{t} || "$DIR/calendar.html";
my $output_filename = $opts{o} || "$DIR/calendar.xml";
# fetch the calendar html again if we have to
if ((! -e $temp_filename) or $opts{f}) {
unlink $temp_filename if $opts{c};
# this code fetches the calendar into the file named in $opts{t}
sub fetch_calendar_html {
local $^W = 0; # turn off warnings about invalid cookies from intranet
my ($URL, # ORA editorial database URL
$ua, # user agent object we'll use to fetch the pages
$page, # HTTP::Request object
$sid_html); # HTML for the ?sid=.... URL parameter the edcal uses
$URL = "";
# retain cookies and
$ua = LWP::UserAgent->new(cookie_jar => {});
$ua->credentials("", "REALM", $USERNAME, $PASSWORD);
# fetch the front page--this gets us a session ID
# needed before we can fetch the calendar page
$page = $ua->get($URL)
or die "Can't fetch front page";
($sid_html) = $page->content =~ m{(\?sid=\d+)} or die "Can't find sid";
# now get the calendar
# (URL for calendar is hardcoded rather than
# figured out dynamically from the front page)
$page = $ua->post("$URL/calendar$sid_html",
{ "s_editor" => "Nathan Torkington" });
# and save its content
open my $f, ">", $temp_filename or die "Can't open $temp_filename for writing: $!\n";
print $f $page->content;
close $f;
# this code parses the HTML and emits the relevant table as XML
sub convert_html_to_xml {
my ($html, # calendar report in HTML
$tables, # tables extracted via HTML::TableContentParser
@data, # data extracted from the table we're interested in
@headers, # headers of the table we're interested in
$html = slurp($temp_filename);
$tables = HTML::TableContentParser->new->parse($html);
foreach my $t (@$tables) {
# the report table has width of 2000. this distinguishes it from
# the other tables in the page (used to make the page look pretty)
next unless exists($t->{width}) &&
$t->{width} == 2000;
# extract the headers into @headers
foreach my $header (@{$t->{headers}}) {
my $text = clean($header->{data});
push @headers, $text;
# extract each row's data
foreach my $row (@{$t->{rows}}) {
# skip non-data rows
next unless exists $row->{cells};
if (@{$row->{cells}} != 1) {
my @row_data;
foreach my $cell (@{$row->{cells}}) {
push @row_data, clean($cell->{data});
push @data, \@row_data;
# now break out of the foreach-table loop and print the report
# emit the table as XML
open my $fh, "> $output_filename"
or die "Can't open $output_filename for writing: $!\n";
# XML header and surrounding tag
print $fh <<EOHEADER;
<xml version="1.0">
# convert rows to tagged data
foreach my $row (@data) {
print $fh "<book>\n";
for (my $i=0; $i < @headers; $i++) {
my $h = $headers[$i];
my $tag = $Heading_to_Tag->{$h};
print $fh " <$tag>$row->[$i]</$tag>\n";
print $fh "</book>\n";
# xml trailer
print $fh "</calendar>\n</xml>\n";
close $fh;
sub clean {
my $text = shift;
$text =~ s{<.*?>}{}g;
$text =~ s{ }{ }g;
$text =~ s{^\s+}{}g; $text =~ s{\s+$}{}g;
$text =~ s{\b&\b}{&}g;
return $text;
sub slurp {
my $filename = shift;
local $/;
open my $fh, "< $filename"
or die "Can't open $filename for reading: $!\n";
return <$fh>;
This would make a nice Cookbook recipe...
gnat on 2003-04-26T01:13:09
D'oh, good point. I can't believe I didn't think of that. Thanks, applied.:-) --Nat
prakash on 2003-05-09T20:29:06
There's another module HTML::TableExtract to parse HTML tables. I have used this, and it is pretty nice. I haven't looked at HTML::TableContentParser, so can't really compare, yet.Also, look at WWW::Mechanize, which is really awesome for scraping web content. There is WWW::Mechanize::Shell, for writing quick scripts to this kinda stuff.
Just some more info for you to chew on while you write that cookbook entry.
/prakash Re:Recipe?
gnat on 2003-05-13T21:40:15
I spent a long time looking for data with column headings for HTML::TableExtract to work on. I finally found some census data, but after half an hour of trying, I couldn't make H::TE grok the nested table headings. I finally gave up and just documented HTML::TableContentParser. Sorry!--Nat
If the Excel is usable, then you might want to try XML::SAXDriver::Excel at some point (or for a similar problem involving surviving in an office with M$ users).