
gnat on 2003-04-02T05:22:36

Today I went longlining with my uncle Alan (nickname "Zombie", "Zom", or "Z"). Fun, but a long day. My world is still rocking. I did not take a tumble into the water this time, so it's a definite improvement on yesterday. And caught some large snapper, as well as a sting ray that we cut up for bait on the next set. One of the hooks came up with just a head--some large unknown creature had consumed its body. Wish we'd caught the eater instead of the eatee!



gizmo_mathboy on 2003-04-03T04:46:58

How does one acquire the nickname Zombie? Is there some sort of undead group living secretly in Kiwi land? Do they hunger for fish brains instead of human?

Inquiring minds want to know.


gnat on 2003-04-03T10:26:50

I actually don't know. There's a lot of this mysterious nicknaming going around. Our butcher's nickname is "Wiri", the name of a town south of Auckland. I once asked him why he's called that, and he said it had to do with something he'd done when he was younger, but he wouldn't go into details. Man, how badly do you have to trash a town when you're a teenager before you get named for it?!
