Things That Gross Me Out #5

gnat on 2003-03-26T16:43:13

I am feeling thirsty, so I bring a 3L bottle of juice back from the kitchen and glug from it as I work. Jenine comes out with Raley who is thirsty, and takes the juice bottle back to the kitchen to fill a tippy cup. Jenine then exclaims "ugh, there's mould in this bottle". I then spend the next few hours trying not to think about it lest I throw up.


oh yeah?

jdavidboyd on 2003-03-26T17:14:15

I was doing some late night coding a few years back, with just the monitor lighting the room.
Got a little hungry, ran into the kitchen, grabbed some graham crackers and a glass of iced tea.
Wolfed down about half the pack of crackers.
Finished what I was working on.
Turned on the light to put everything away, and noticed little grub worms all over the graham crackers.
I had a moment of indigestion, then figured, "huh, more protein"...

Re:oh yeah?

gnat on 2003-03-26T23:12:31

Oh man, I came closer to blowing chunks over your story than I did over mine!


The old saying is...

jhi on 2003-03-26T19:42:22

what's worse than finding a worm in an apple after biting into it?
Finding half a worm.

Cheer Up!

chromatic on 2003-03-27T23:46:08

The mold might not have been there before you started drinking!