Graphics? Ho ho no!

gnat on 2003-03-24T11:38:29

I sat down to write thumbnailing, resizing, watermarking, etc. recipes. Then I realized that I hadn't covered any higher applications of email: creating and decoding attachments, Mail::Filter, and so on. So now I'm knee-deep in content dispositions and writing example programs.

I may just be avoiding installing GD, however ... :-)



Dom2 on 2003-03-24T21:18:36

I keep hearing about people using Imager these days instead; I dunno whether or not it may be worth a look in...


GD + Mail = ?

dlc on 2003-03-25T13:21:17

How about a recipe on using GD to create graphs of your mail filter's logs?

(I'm only half-joking!)

Re:GD + Mail = ?

gnat on 2003-03-25T22:22:58

Ha. I know Simon Cozens did something where you feed a mailbox to a Perl script and it emits a diagrams of the connections between people based on the mail they send to each other.
