Crap Week

gnat on 2003-03-22T10:55:20

Wife drowned the digital camera. VCR died, choking on a tape of the 24 and Buffy episodes we've missed since being in New Zealand. Maxed out the credit card to the point where it stopped working. Then some fucker broke into our car while we were out collecting shellfish, and stole the digital video camera. Not a good week for electronics or our bank balance, such as it is.


If it's any consolation...

wka on 2003-03-22T19:43:41

Probably the least of your worries, but 24 will be re-aired on the FX cable network Monday at 11 PM and again Tuesday at 5 PM. (I missed the last new episode myself.)

Also, I had a good experience with these people repairing my digital camera after I spilled some wine on it.

Could be persuaded...

anithri on 2003-03-25T00:18:43

I have the last 6 or 7 hourse of 24 on Tivo still. If you like I can make you a copy and try and get it to you this week. I think you live in the same town as me. Ft. Collins, CO

Re:Could be persuaded...

gnat on 2003-03-25T11:40:38

Wow, thank you! As it happens, our TiVo has saved them too. The video tape was just to hold us over until we get back at the end of April. So thanks, but we're covered. It's just a dose of crap for us, because we're going through major withdrawals ...

Still, there's always New Zealand TV. The best part about NZ TV is that there are British shows that America doesn't get. But British shows always seem to be a group of friends talking and bitching about their lives. I think their crap E.R. knock-off is finally gone from NZ TV screens. Not that NZ has any high moral TV ground--our home-grown soap operas are ghastly.

Which is one way of saying "at least I'm getting a lot of Cookbook done" :-)
