It was fun. Got to see my friends, had a tour of Weta, and enjoyed a brief respite from the unceasing rain that is driving Jenine and the kids mad.
Today I edited and answered email. Tomorrow: more of the same. I had an interesting proposal for a book, but when I read the sample chapters I could tell that the authors were going for a much more boring and tedious approach, and that it was the part that I found boring and tedious that they loved and wanted to base the book around. Ixnay on the ookbay.
lwall++ for getting the Apocalypse out. It was a real tough one, though hopefully we're nearing the end of the tough ones. As Ali G would say, "respec'". I met a friend whose baby girl had sat through a lot of Ali G episodes, and thus gone through a phase where she said "respec'" instead of "thanks".
Trying to decide whether to take on a Microsoft topic. And not just a kinda-MS kinda-open source topic, but a fully-fledged EVIL MICROSOFT topic. For a book I'd edit, you see. It might make a lot of money .... So the movement to the dark side begins.
Have realized the hard way that putting out cameras on tables at a wedding is an expensive way to get hundreds of really bad photos. Disposable cameras suck, and drunk amateurs with disposable cameras produce nigh-maximal suckage. There was one roll, however, obviously taken by someone with an eye for photography: nice composition, well timed, all lit well. If you find yourself at a wedding with such a camera, I have some advice: try to take photos of things that everyone else isn't--namely, the cousins who are getting on really well, the bride as she gets a drink from teh bar, someone mid-laugh. Don't waste your time taking photos of the entrance of the bride and groom--the wedding couple will already have about a hundred of that to choose from.
Must go to sleep: nearly 2am here, and I'll have to be up at 7 with the kids. Night!
I hope you fine ORA folk are planning on turning around a book containing the Apocalypses and Exegeses once the spec is finalized.... when Perl 6 Alpha comes out, I'd much rather be reading an Introducing Perl 6 volume than thumbing through a ream of printouts.
Re:Waiting for the Camel of the Apocalypse
gnat on 2003-03-12T02:46:50
Yup, we're waiting for the sounds of hammering and knocking inside No. 6, Perl Way, to settle down before we publish any Perl 6 books. It seems premature to publish before there's an implementation:-) But once there's a there there, you can bet your bootie we'll be all over it like ... like ... like a great great simile for coverage. --Nat
(somewhat knackered from an hour in the sun)Re:Waiting for the Camel of the Apocalypse
jhi on 2003-03-12T14:52:03
That imagery of a house being built is wonderful... I can see Damian standing over there with Larry arguing which way to hold the blueprint (-- "We need more swimming pools! -- No, we need smaller swimmers!"), Dan waiting with a pile of two-by-fours in his shoulder muttering about the fastest two-by-fours you've ever seen...
Re:Waiting for the Camel of the Apocalypse
chromatic on 2003-03-12T05:15:50
How odd, that the Apocalypses so far have followed the outline of Camel 3. *humming conspiratorially*
Re:Waiting for the Camel of the Apocalypse
gnat on 2003-03-12T11:20:07
I believe you misspelled "5":-) --Nat
Re:Waiting for the Camel of the Apocalypse
chromatic on 2003-03-12T17:40:59
? You've gotta quit taking advice from Slashdot comments.