
gnat on 2003-02-27T08:04:42

I got a surprising amount done today by virtue of working in the parking lot of Auckland University. Not stealing wifi connections or anything like that, just working offline studiously answering email and reading proposals.

When I was online, I was fighting a very crappy connection from the office. I think the telephone extension cable I have is low quality, because periodically the connection is dropped. The send/receive bars show me that it's receiving nothing despite trying to send stuff. Then again, it might be because we've had five days of non-stop rain and all the phone lines are getting soggy.

I went through perldelta for 5.8 making sure I was fully up to speed on the OO changes, as I'm up to ch13. I suspect that 12 and 13 are going to end up larger, maybe even split. We have attributes, source filters, and Inline to cover now for modules, and base/fields/NEXT/attributes-hiding-ties for objects. It's all going to get rather interesting ...

Too cool: I met Quinn at the OS X con last year, and she's blogging the progress of her giving birth. Woo!

NZ news: NZ cricketers win, tiger aids man attempting to take himself out of the gene pool, and there's an interesting case of privacy vs celebrities who wank on about their families in interviews.


Did you really mean that...

Damian on 2003-02-28T06:38:23

...the way it came across?

Too cool: I met Quinn at the OS X con last year, and she's blogging the progress of her giving birth.


Re:Did you really mean that...

gnat on 2003-02-28T23:11:22

I was so focused on avoiding the implication that she was blogging as she herself was born, I missed the implication that it was my sproglet! D'oh. For the record, she was preggers when I met her :-)


That must be the youngest blogger yet

htoug on 2003-03-05T08:16:25

she was blogging as she herself was born
conjured up at view of a baby on the way out of her mother with keyboard in hand busily tapping away on a blog of the event.

Note to self: do not read UsePerl before the second cup of morning beverage.