Now I've given you all suggestions for talks at OSCON, I'd like you to return the favour. I'd like to go to YAPC::Europe this year, as I haven't been since London. (And Jenine will kill me if I don't take her to Paris). Should I speak? If so, what would you like me to speak on? I know a lot about YAS, OSCON, O'Reilly, editing, and so on. I will have put the Perl Cookbook to bed by that stage. The one thing I don't want to speak about is the technical stuff in Perl 6--Damian, Larry, Allison, Dan, and others are the definitive sources there. I'm happy to talk about why managing Perl 6 is slightly preferable to slitting one's wrists with a ricin-drenched buzzsaw, however. Help!
(telling me not to speak is also fine!)
Re:the writer experience
gnat on 2003-02-11T17:41:28
That's a good idea--I'll have to banish any other O'Reillyites from the room before I start spilling our secrets though:-) --Nat
Re:the writer experience
darobin on 2003-02-12T15:13:39
No! If people knew the truth about writing they would never do it and we wouldn't have as many great books
;) Seriously though, I think that working on Cookbook 2e must be an interesting adventure. Is there anything that you could say about the evolution of Perl between 1e and 2e? Any general trends that would illuminate us on our own actions?
Other (random) thought: "How the Mighty Have Fallen: A Tale of Woe and Wonder" about cool OS X stuff one can do in Perl.
I look forward to seeing you in Paris
...would be a roadmap on how Perl 6 will recontextualize open-source applications by benchmarking visionary infrastructures that innovate leading-edge software technologies and transform strategic innovations through static source code analysis into revolutionary interactive methodologies for synthesizing e-business architectures...
Nah, fsck that, what we really want is a Rant™
Re:What we really want
gnat on 2003-02-11T18:05:07
No wait, I like that first idea. Hmmm... I could do something with that. Put Perl 6 in its proper historical, sociological, scientific, and philosophical context. Maybe with some photos from the tour we took of the Paris sewers on our last trip ... :-) --Nat
Maybe it's time to tell what hasn't worked so far, and can it be fixed?
Re:What's gone wrong
gnat on 2003-02-11T18:05:57
Insufficient methamphetamine in the Mountain View water supply?:-) --Nat
Just make sure that it's less Disneyesque than your talk at YAPC::NA 2002.
--J. David, who has yet to hear Nat give a talk