blib hatred

glasser on 2005-07-14T15:06:02

You know what I hate? blib.

You see, I almost exclusively write pure-Perl modules. Thus, the "make" step always consists of making a structure under "blib" that consists mostly of empty directories, copying all my .pms into "blib/lib", and manifying pods into blib/man3.

This is useless for me while developing. I don't actually care about manifying PODs until I'm ready to "make install" anyway. And copying the modules just means that sometimes blib/lib is out of date when I'm running "prove" (or even "make test", if I just made a new module and haven't reran Makefile.PL yet), and more annoyingly they show up in every grep, and have to be ignored by version control, etc.

I suppose part of my annoyance would be fixed by making a shell script that uses "prove -l" to simulate the effect of "make test" using modules from "lib" instead of "blib/lib", and just never run "make" or "make test" while developing. But still. Ugh.

A plug for Test::Verbose

Matts on 2005-07-14T16:59:48

prove is very similar (in my opinion not as good, but I don't mean that as anything against the prove developers) to the "tv" command from Test::Verbose. This might fit your needs better as it's an interface to "make test" rather than something that runs the tests directly. Try it and see if you like it.


jplindstrom on 2005-07-14T17:28:48

I usually just run prove from within the t directory and put a
use lib "../lib";
in each test file.


wnodom on 2005-07-15T16:28:29

prove respects the -I command-line option (and you can stack them the same way you can with perl itself):
prove -I/some/project/lib -I../lib
It also looks for a PROVE_SWITCHES environment variable, which I usually load up with something like this:
-I/some/shared/lib -I/my/project/lib
This way, I don't have to modify the test scripts at all, and if I use absolute paths, I can run the tests from whatever directory I happen to be in at the time.