When you are on vacation, it's already half over for me. Thank goodness Christmas is mostly over. Most of my friends won't be receiving their gifts until New Year's Eve. I figured I will see them then and a few days will not make much of a difference.
Tomorrow I'll be finding out what my giant present is. My girlfriend's family is doing Christmas tomorrow. Should be fun.
I really should be looking for linux drivers for my Linksys USB ethernet adapter. Don't really need it but it should be handy at work.
I also need to grab ActivePerl and probably cygwin for my laptop so I can do some programming doodline (or would it be more proper to just call it hacking? Sounds like a google search is in order).
I really need to revamp my website. I would like to redo it in mod_perl but I don't think my ISP will allow that kind of access. I think I will go the CGI route. I may even try to SQLite working for kicks and giggles as well. Guess I better go reread perlmod to remember how to do local installs of modules.
Then again, I probably should be sleeping. My body is a mass of aches from shovelling snow yesterday.