I just received a big stack o' books today:
What's "Perl Database Programming"? Neither me or Amazon know of it...
TorgoX on 2002-12-06T07:33:22
It's mislabelled Perl Database Programming Bible , you silly goose who is hereby obliged to buy it because it's so nice and also because I tech-edited it!Re:nice
gav on 2002-12-06T22:53:58
Is XML still cutting edge? It seems pretty mainstream to me now.It would be nice to see a quick review (*hint*) because the description from Amazon doesn't make it seem that advanced.
TorgoX on 2002-12-06T23:28:57
I'd like to write a review, but it'd look a bit odd, as I was the tech-editor and Brent thanks me on like the first page.Maybe if somebody leans on Brent, he can get someone at the publisher to get them a review copy, to get the Amazon ball rolling.
gav on 2002-12-07T03:26:25
Good point.If you'd lean on him for me I'd write an Amazon review in return.