guardians of shinto shrine

gizmo_mathboy on 2007-07-11T00:37:53

I am tempted to watch this but it's not clear if the innovation remark is about perl or resisters to innovation.

EDIT: Ok, I finally got around to watching the whole video (9 minutes) and it's not bad. It was very positive regarding Perl. I think Mr. Guterman's synopsis is a bit rough and needs some polish and clarification.

Not a waste of 9 minutes.

Hey, that's my usenet post :)

brian_d_foy on 2007-07-11T19:24:23

I watched the video, but I'm not really sure what Clay's point really is. There was something that came before him that he referred to, then he stopped before I thought he was finished.

A couple of people told me about this video because he says nice things about Perl, but he really doesn't have any evidence to back up his statements about Perl doing any better than anything else. It might be true, but I think he just thinks that because he likes Perl rather than having examined the true state of things. It's a dangerous way to advocate anything because it's easy to be written off as a "true beleiver" or "kool aid drinker".

In the page he brings up to talk about how well comp.lang.perl.misc is doing (and, it's not really doing that well now-a-days), one of my posts about the perlfaq is the top of the list. :)