Reflections on turning 34

gizmo_mathboy on 2004-02-07T05:10:21

Well, I'm finishing the second day of my 34th year of being outside my mother's womb.

I started my birthday by working the first half hour of it. I was busy getting 2 laptops ready for 2 professors before they left on some trips. Working until 1230am on the day of your birthday is not an ideal way to start it.

In any case, I slept in a little on my actual birthday. On the way to lunch I found out that one of my servers, mostly a print server, went down. Well, since I was taking the day off I decided to let my assistant handle it as well as call in the central support staff. It's basically what I would have done myself.

I was thinking, is it a good thing for something to break when I leave? Or does it show that I'm not really needed? Cuts both ways I think.

My wife and I went to a nice restaurant for dinner. We then went to a local bar where the master distiller for Jack Daniels was going to be signing bottles. So I got a couple bottles of Single Barrel Jack that the bar orderd. I think this makes about 6 bottles that I have signed by him (Jim Bedford). Two bottles were from when we went to the distillery in Lynchburg, two were from his visit last year, and of the two this year I had him sign it "Happy Birthday".

The scary bit from that night is that I was literally about 3 feet from being in an accident. The roads were slushy so I was driving extra careful. We were pulling intkp an intersection and my wife gasped and pulled at my arm. I took my foot of the gas and started looking around. I saw a car to my left and I was thinking that it might be coming into my lane. Instead she was pulling into the intersection along side me (2 lane street). As she got into the middle she was hit by a Jeep Cherokee sliding through.

Luckily I was basically at a stand still and they didn't careen into me. I pulled into a parking lot that was close at hand. They pulled into as well to get out of the flow of traffice. They were both ok and I gave them my name and number and drove off.

Needless to say I didn't drink at the bar. Oh well, I can enjoy the booze later.

Coincidentally, two weeks ago I spun my truck on a patch of ice coming back from a play in Chicago. Nothing hurt there either. Today when I was walking to lunch, after I had parked my truck, I heard two cars crunch into each other. They were about 30 meters away. Just sort of weird to be around 3 accident situations and not be quite involved in them, well, not damaged at least.

It's definitely made me a heck of a lot more cautious in my driving.

Well, it looks like I'm starting the third day of my 34th year so I'll wrap this up.

I really need to do more coding.

Bright, cheery thought

jhorwitz on 2004-02-07T14:43:25

Actually, if you just turned 34, you're beginning your 35th year outside of the womb. ;-)

Re:Bright, cheery thought

gizmo_mathboy on 2004-02-09T03:22:50

...and my mind is starting to go. Thanks for that thought! ;-)