Since ask doesn't have comments turned on for this entry I thought I would add my two bits here.
I think the young lady had enormous conviction and she just got unlucky. I wouldn't condemn Israel for killing her some much as I would condemn Israel for bulldozing a bunch of housing in a refugee camp. She made the decision to stand in front of the dozer, she lost her footing, and she got run over.
A horrible thing in a long list of horrible things .
This is the most reasonable thing I've read about this whole incident anywhere.
Giving this case too much attention lends credence to those that say that we don't care what happens to Palestinians for racist reasons. Hundreds of Palestinians die and the western press says very little. A white American dies and you wouldn't believe the cacophony.
Similarly, ten thousand Iraqis die from starvation and treatable disease every month and nobody really seems to care.