Mozilla nightlies

gizmo_mathboy on 2003-01-29T04:23:39

I started pulling down the nightlies for Mozilla recently. Things were mostly working although the mail acted odd from time to time.

Them yesterday I was getting a really persistent entry problem. I dug around and decide to try the advice to delete everything in the mozilla directory except the plugins and reinstall.

Lo and behold things started working again. I had to reload spellchecker and I think I may have to wait for calendar and enigmail to catch up. The upside is that the Junk Mail filters are working the way they probably should have.

When spam gets downloaded it gets routed to a folder automagically. Very slick. So slick in fact that I may just dump my rules.dat file for the most part.

Previous to the Junk Mail controls I did the following:

1) I dumped uncaught spam into a specific folder. 2) A script read the folder, extracted out an email address, and then added it to rules.dat

Worked ok but I think it puts quite the strain on the cpu running the rules.

I think I will save a version of the current rules.dat, strip it down to a minimum, and really see how the Junk Controls do.

Oh and if brian d foy is reading I wish you the best of luck wherever you get sent.