Parrot Plumage Day 6: New committers!

geoffrey on 2009-09-28T01:04:29

"Day" 6 turned out to actually be hours here and there from most of the week. After Tene's initial Makefile patch initiated Day 5, Tene and darbelo began to pester me for details on the design and current capabilities. Once he realized it wasn't as far along as he needed, Tene switched his pestering to tasks that I could break out and hand off to parallelize the work a bit.

While I was thinking about that (and answering a blizzard of other questions from the #parrot crowd), I realized I needed to make the source tree more friendly for other committers. I added a CONTRIBUTING section to the README, moved the old probe tests (TimToady++ for that name) to their own directory, and made a couple other minor changes.

With that, I added Tene++ and darbelo++ as the first new committers to the parrot-plumage repository. W00t!

It didn't take long before darbelo noticed a licensing issue. After some discussion, the members of #parrot decided he was probably correct. I was assigning the copyright for Parrot Plumage to the Parrot Foundation, but not requiring new committers to have signed Contributor Licensing Agreements ("CLAs") sent in to PaFo. It happened that Tene and darbelo were both Parrot committers, which meant they already had signed CLAs -- so I simply changed the README to reflect the CLA requirement, and we neatly escaped the problem. (Note that for now we don't require Parrot Plumage committers to be full Parrot committers, merely to have a signed CLA sent in.)

Once I finally got some mental space, I went back to tanking on the tasks that I could hand off to other developers, and codified the first few into the TASKS file. darbelo++ and then Tene++ began picking off tasks and completing them over the next couple days, while I refocused on my day job.

Tene's work culminated in adding the fetch command, with the ability to handle both Subversion and Git repositories. This worked like a charm with our sample Git-based project, Blizkost. Unfortunately, we discovered our first hiccup when our sample Subversion-based project, Close, would only partially fetch -- it appears to have submodules that require special authentication. Ah well, no rest for the wicked.

With that problem added to TASKS, and the previous commits reviewed and lightly edited, "Day" 6 drew to a close.

As always, you can check out the code at the Parrot Plumage repository, and don't hesitate to ping me on IRC -- I'm japhb on #parrot at If you'd like to join the effort, read the README for the general overview, then come to #parrot to get your questions answered!