Mike check and PIGGE first release

geoffrey on 2005-05-09T18:35:47

Testing, testing . . .

Check, check, check.

Is this thing on? Ah, good. Hello there! Good to see you all out there. We've got a marvelous show for you tonight and . . . What? What do you mean they cancelled? Bloody hell. Well what else have we got? Is that it? OK, we're running with it.

Right, OK folks, we've got a new show for you! It involves farm animals and explosions and . . . What was that again? . . . and dancing boxes! You'll laugh, you'll cry, you'll think I'm insane to have this on my stage! And you'll be right.

One and all, I present to you: PIGGE version 0.1.1!

That's an awful low version number . . . first time on stage? You handed me an act that's never been on stage before?!? Oh man, I have got to get out of this business . . . I'll be ruined for sure, I can tell already . . . .

You'll have to speak louder!

cog on 2005-05-10T09:36:40

Testing, testing . . .

Check, check, check.

We can't hear you, in the back of the room.