pod.t tweaking

geoff on 2002-09-05T15:22:39

as andy pointed out, we've made some revisions. here's my latest (a derivitave of which I've included in my Apache::AuthDigest RFC)

use Test::More;

use File::Spec;
use File::Find qw(find);

use strict;

eval {
  require Test::Pod;

if ($@) {
  plan skip_all => "Test::Pod required for testing POD";
else {
  my @files;

    sub { push @files, $File::Find::name if m!\.p(m|od|l)$! },
    File::Spec->catfile(qw(blib lib))

  plan tests => scalar @files;

  foreach my $file (@files) {

I guess there's always more tweaking to be done, but this is the last post for this bit here I think...


Dom2 on 2002-09-05T15:55:49

I don't understand why there is an OO interface to File::Spec. I can see you using it above, but compared to using File::Spec::Functions, it's very verbose.

Is it just that way for ease of implementation?
