
geoff on 2002-09-03T15:16:57

I've been toying with the idea of a new mod_vhost_alias directive: VirtualUserDir.

at work, we host a number of virtual domains, in some of which we support /user/user homepages. Currently, since both mod_vhost_alias and mod_userdir use the translation phase, the two modules cannot coexist. wouldn't it be nice to have the two modules play nice together?

the problem (for me, at least) is that I'm not a very good C programmer, so melding the two is a bit of work. that, and mod_vhost_alias is a very tidy module while mod_userdir isn't - inserting mod_userdir code into mod_vhost_alias will inherently make the latter less-pretty.

so, before I go ahead and try to implement this, does the idea sound worthy to anyone else who uses mod_vhost_alias? is there another way everyone handles mass vhosting with tilde-user accounts?