I've spotted a trend:
Why PHP5 Sucks! Why PHP5 Rocks!
even the description looks familar :) For the curious, the trend can be traced back to Matt Sergeant's Why SOAP Sucks, Why SOAP Rocks, and to Jon Orwant and others before that. kudos to them all.
at any rate, I've heard Adam talk and he is very energetic, so I suspect the talk will be worth attending. I certainly plan to.
geoff on 2004-04-13T15:16:09
yup - fixed.
I took Adam to your talk at ApacheCon, and we decided that someone should give this style of talk on PHP. Adam's writing the book on PHP 5, so he seemed to be a good choice.
Matt and others may have come up with the idea first, but I think you'll be getting all the credit in this talk.
geoff on 2004-04-14T00:41:16
no credit necessary. it's a cool talk idea that I wish more developers would embrace - if people took a light-hearted view as to what isn't good about their software other open-source contributors would be that much more likely to make it better.
anyway, I was just giving a bit of history for the FOAF inclined:)