I spent some time today porting Apache::Template
to mod_perl 2.0. here is the original announcement with links and patches and all.
while the port seemed to go quite smoothly (and easily as well), I stopped writing tests before I got too far along because I noticed what seemed (to me) to be lots of suspect logic within Apache::Template
. for instance, it allows it's custom directives to be placed on a per-directory level, but caches all configuration data on a per-server level. this means that the first request to a specific <Location>
gets it's configuration cached for all subsequent requests to that child. and something is definitely amuck with the directive merging routines - per-server ITERATE
directives augment their per-directory equivalents instead of allowing the per-directory configuration to supersede its parent. but I guess that doesn't matter with the aforementioned caching.
anyway, since I'm not an Apache::Template
user, I can't really judge whether all this is normal or documented or whatever. so, I just ported it and left it at that.