
geoff on 2003-08-15T15:39:14

this week was a pretty decent one...

yesterday, I finally managed to install movable type on my dev box, giving me a place to log my activities. I think the name, drivel, speaks for itself. anyway, highlights from the week:

o massive changes to the stacked handler mechanism in mod_perl 2 (which I already mentioned here).

o added some docs and test for passing cookies on redirects via Registry.

o spent some time tracking down a strange bug with perl-5.8.1-RC4 and bleedperl. turns out it wasn't perl's fault. I hate it when the fix is simple and right in front of you, but you don't see it for hours and hours.

o I send a patches to httpd-dev, to which nobody replied. hmph - that's the second one in as many weeks that have gotten no response. the older one I think is pretty important (for some definition of important), at least for mod_perl people who like to override core directives like I do. in fact, I needed that exact functionality when writing conversation about getting mpm information into Apache-Test.

o speaking of Apache-Test, Stas was (rightly) complaining about users and bug reports that are not reproducable, so yesterday I created an Apache-Test skeleton tarball that can be easily tweaked. I even used it to try and reproduce a bug in RegistryPrefork but I couldn't (though the EU could).

all in all, a more productive week than last, though it looks pretty sparse when written down...

Good luck with http-dev

krellis on 2003-08-15T19:31:32

I've had horrible luck with getting patches looked at / accepted on http-dev... and my patch was just for the conf file, to bring back the (logical, IMO) behavior from 1.3 of allowing you to compile the server without a bunch of the default modules without having to re-write the entire default config file, by just putting in a bunch of IfModule sections. First they ignored it, then debated it, then someone said they were applying it and never did. I just gave up and patched the damned thing locally whenever I needed to :|