Cryptic Languages

gbarr on 2002-11-15T23:06:30

The next person who tells me that perl is a cryptic and obscure lanaguage will be quickly pointed to the K language by Kx

Some examples can be found here


TorgoX on 2002-11-15T23:54:19

Shazbot! Is K some kinda recycled Teco?


ziggy on 2002-11-18T03:45:28

K is an APL derivative. Although this looks more like a prefix version of forth...


jhi on 2002-11-16T06:13:19

I think the XML parser is beautiful.


ziggy on 2002-11-18T03:49:14

The next time someone accuses Perl of being like APL (e.g. cryptic, unreadable and write-only), why not cite the defense that APL programmers use:

APL is Unreadable
“You know what, Russian is unreadable, I don’t know Russian, so it’s unreadable. If you don’t know it, it’s unreadable.”

APL is Unmaintainable
Because APL is unreadable, it’s a write-only language, hence is unmaintainable.