Fries with that ?

gbarr on 2002-10-13T10:52:31

Some people will try anything to avoid paying taxes


djberg96 on 2002-10-13T13:27:41

I thought that our "regular" taxes covered the costs of road wear and tear. I wasn't aware that fuel taxes covered this area specifically, and the paranoid-conspiracy side of me says that Big Oil has a hand in this.

On the other hand, the smell of a million cars burning cooking oil in one city might just be overwhelming.

Wouldn't work in US

lachoy on 2002-10-13T18:37:23

I think cooking oil is more expensive than gasoline :-)

The Little Saucepan

barbie on 2002-10-15T11:44:14

Reading the following comment:
One supermarket in Llanelli confirmed it sold more cooking oil than any other branch in the country.
made me wonder why they didn't claim to be just using their Sospan Fach alot that week ;)

For non Welsh viewers, Sospan Fach (english translation The Little Saucepan [lyrics]) is the Llanelli Rugby Club anthem. Llanelli also happens to be my ancestral seat, which probably explains alot :)