Switching back ?

gbarr on 2002-10-07T07:56:42

Well unfortunately some of us don't have a choice. For the past couple of months I have had an iBook on loan from Apple, for which I am very grateful. It has been a great experience, but it will not be long before I must learn to live without it.

For many years I have used either KDE or Gnome as my desktop environment, but when I have had to use a windows box, it has not bothered me much. By that I mean that the change in UI has not bothered me much, having to use Windows has always bothered me :)

My work habits cause me to work from a laptop for several hours of the day, so recently I have been using the iBook instead of my win2k laptop.

The other day I had to power up my win2k laptop for the first time since I got the iBook. My first response was "Argh, this is painful!!". I just found the UI difficult.

In fact now that I think of it, since I have had the iBook I have been getting a little frustrated with KDE and Gnome at times, but they have been only minor frustrations and often overcome by the fact that I can configure them to do things how I want. Windows is not so forgiving.

Anyway, I guess my point is that although I did not take to the Apple desktop at first, it has grown on me very quickly in a very short time. There are many things about the iBook I just thought I would never get used to, like only one mouse button, but I did. I still have some frustrations with it, but as the iBook I have is a loaner, it is running Mac OS X 10.1 and I have been told many issues I have with it are resolved in 10.2.

So soon I have to send the iBook back, and yes I will miss it. Right now I am in the middle of moving house, so I don't have any spare finances. But you can be sure once I have moved and sorted my finances, I will be buying a Mac