busy bee

gav on 2002-08-30T16:22:27

My new found addiction is Starbucks Frappuccino (vanilla is my favorite) which now for sale in the vending machine in the hall for an outrageous $2.

I noticed that rafael mentioned subversion which I have been considering for a while now and will probably try to install on my new test server. I really like the Apache integration and the RapidSVN GUI looks nice too.

Other things on my to-list involve getting samba installed so I can access our NT file server from my linux box, getting a Wiki installed (though I haven't found one I like yet), learning more about RT and encouraging others here to use it, and setting up Test::Smoke and CPANPLUS smoke testing perl. Phew!

I still need to put 512meg more memory in chicken, fix my machine at home (I'm sorely tempted to give up with linux as a desktop box and put NT back on), and find out where to buy a cheap notebook that will run linux. Then I need to get a hi-fi and something to put my cds in.

Then when I have a free minute I'm going to poke around in Mason though I may wait for the book. Then Alzabo needs further investigation. I also need to do a bit more XP whoring on Perlmonks to become a saint (only 100 points to go!).

I pick up my shiny new Cannondale F300 on saturday so I'm hoping to squeeze in some long weekend bike riding.

Ack! So much to do, so little time (and money)...