joys of microsoft products

gav on 2002-05-30T23:06:35

We are a small isp/webhosting company who up until 2am last night ran a fair few clients on an exchange box (and have been doing so since way before I joined). Our senior tech tried to upgrade Exchange 5.5 to sp4 which failed and the upgrade can't be uninstalled. He ended up spending the night here trying to get it to accept our information store. This morning I build a new nt server, installed Exchange with the idea that we could import the backup into the new box and swap the old one out. We ended up having network issues to to Small Business Server being a pain in the arse. I ended up trashing the new NT box trying to import the old SAM database (NT's login stuff). This afternoon we bought a brand new box, got RedHat 7.3 installed. Got sendmail/pop3/imap all working. Now I'm going through the 200 odd NT accounts trying to get them transferred and also hacking at the virtusertable on our smtp relay to make sure the email end up in the right place. It's going to be a long night :(


Matts on 2002-05-31T13:34:01

Pick the right products first!

Ditch sendmail for qmail, exim or postfix (we use qmail exclusively here at MessageLabs, processing over 7 million emails a day).

Make sure your IMAP server is Courier, not UW. The latter is slower and buggier and has a history of security problems.

Apart from that, glad to see someone else seeing sense ;-)